What to Expect with Your Cyber Insurance Renewals
As you have probably heard, the cyber market is continuing to harden as we move further into 2021. In the first quarter, various industry sources reported rates went up between 18% and 25%, while some firms encountered renewals as high as 100% to 500! Besides...
Real Estate Cyber Risk: A Growing Threat
Real estate firms are going digital – and taking on new risks. Online communication, virtual showings and other digital tools have created new opportunities, added convenience and enabled work to continue during the pandemic, but all of these new tech tools come with...
How Does Cyber Liability Insurance Work?
Like many businesses, your firm uses computers, a network, and portable devices to send, receive or store electronic data. Such data includes client communication, billing, confidential personal and corporate documents, tax records and other information owned by your...
Cyber Liability, Crime & Advertising Injury – What does it mean?
Recently there have been a lot of questions surrounding Cyber coverage and confusion about three areas of insurance coverage and exposures: Crime, Cyber Liability and Personal/Advertising Liability. The article below will bring clarity to the separate areas of...