Tips for Backroom Housekeeping and Safety
A disorganized backroom might be an even bigger problem than you realize. First, there are the obvious issues associated with not being able to find the items you need and losing track of your inventory. But did you know that a poorly organized backroom can also be a...
Don’t Let Winter Safety Hazards Spoil Your Grocery Business
Like any other business, the grocery business has its own unique safety hazards. From slips, trips, and falls to food poisoning to cuts and bruises, there are numerous ways customers and employees can be injured. When winter sets in, the risks only increase,...
Food Hazards When Receiving, Storing, Rotating and Labeling
To customers, it may seem like food magically appears on grocery store shelves, but grocery store workers know better. Behind the scenes, people are constantly at work: receiving shipments, stocking food on shelves, and rotating items. During these processes, there is...
Off-Premises Power Failure: A Costly (and Dark) Grocery Store Exposure
Grocery store owners may assume that their commercial property insurance will provide coverage in the case of major food spoilage after a power outage. However, this is not necessarily true. Many standard commercial insurance policies exclude losses stemming from...